Duration - 2 hours.
Duration - 1 hour.
Duration – 2 hours
In this session we deal with SWOT analysis of each individual in a 1 on 1 live environment and help them prepare for final interviews to secure a better job.Age group –17 to 20 years.
Duration –1 hour
If you area sales person,business man or any one who is dealing in sales and finds negotiation hard the nthis session will easey our concept about how to negotiatewithy our prospect and winthe deal. Age group 20 to 40years.
Duration – 1.30 hours
Once graduation is completed students with innovative busines sidea scan promote them selvesasa Entrepreneur.Today we can seelot of young people entering this field and gain in gsuccess. We inspire and encour age students in this session to come with theirown start-ups. Age group 20 to 25 years.
Duration – 2 hours
Communication is avital skill in our day today personal and
professional life. See how we can improve our reading, writingandspeaking habit in this session and also know what
significanceor impact communication can help to groom the overall personality. Age group –12 to 40 years.
Duration - 2 hours.
If you are an engineering or architecture student the ngetready to boostup and gear yoursel finthissessionas we focus on various software,tools and technology use din industry today.It will help you to be come a smart professional for tomorrow.
Duration - 1.30 hours.